Techniche IIT Guwahati 2017 has appointed Robotech Labs as the exclusive Outreach Partner and Workshop Partner for Techniche 2017.

Process :

  1. Techniche will conduct Zonals at around 20 cities across India .
  2. Top Teams will be selected from each Zonal Round.
  3. Finale between the top teams will be conducted at IIT Guwahati.

Robotech Labs is also conducting six promising workshops at IIT Guwahati from September 1st to September 3rd 2017.

The topics of the workshops are :

  1. Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security
  2. Android App  Development
  3. Automobile Mechanics and IC Engines
  4. Social Media Marketing
  5. Sixth Sense Robotics
  6. Cloud Computing


You can also apply for  Techniche Campus Ambassador here .


For any queries you can call us at 9540 93 2700.